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Insights in Kisi allows you to discover practical information about your facility usage patterns, user behavior, and security trends. Reports are generated directly within the Kisi web dashboard. Alternatively, you can schedule reports to be automatically sent via email at a specified frequency or export and download them as PDF files, providing flexibility in how you store, share, or analyze your data.

Insights are exclusively available to users with Organization Administrator, Manager, or Observer access rights.

Report types

Currently, you can access three types of reports in Insights:

  • Network Visualization
  • Unlock Statistics and Trends Reports
  • User Presence Reports
  • Weekly Place Analytics Reports

Network Visualization

With Network Visualization you get a clear view of your Kisi hardware infrastructure, detect connection issues, and discover device dependencies.

The Unlock Statistics and Trends allows you to analyze unique user unlocks, total unlocks, and failed unlocks over a 35-day period, and compare these metrics with the 6-month average. It gives you insights into the following:

  • Number of daily unique users and their 6-month average
  • Number of daily successful unlocks and their 6-month average
  • Number of daily failed unlocks and their 6-month average

User Presence

With User Presence Reports you can monitor user attendance patterns for each weekday within a specified period, including:

  • User name
  • Email
  • Number of days with unlocks

Weekly Place Analytics

Weekly Place Analytics provide a comprehensive weekly summary of facility usage, including key metrics and trends to track changes over time:

  • Daily place usage
  • Heatmap of unique user unlocks
  • Weekly unique users
  • Unlocks by credential type
  • The top 5 most frequently used doors
  • Recent failed unlock attempts
  • Top 5 held open and forced open doors
  • Controllers with the lowest and highest average WAN uptime
  • Readers with the lowest and highest average WAN uptime
  • Devices with limited offline support

Custom Reports

If you have suggestions for improvements or want reports tailored to your organization’s needs, click on Custom Report under Insights or let us know via Kisi Support.

Schedule or export a report

Each report type can be scheduled to be automatically sent via email at a specified frequency or exported and downloaded as a PDF file.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to Insights
  3. Select the report type you are interested in
  4. In the top right corner, click Schedule
  5. Enter a name for the schedule
  6. Define the frequency for the report generation, e.g. "Every first day of the week, starting from today". Note that the maximum supported interval is 180 days. Reports will be sent at 12 AM.
  7. Enter the email addresses of the recipients who should receive the generated reports (maximum of 10 emails)
  8. Click Add