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Place Analytics

You can review place analytics and user activity information both in the web and mobile apps.

The Analytics page gives you real-time and historical data about facility usage, including the current occupancy rate of a place, the latest unlocks of the day by user, and a weekly heatmap.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to your place
  3. Select Analytics on the left-hand menu
  4. The first chart on the top shows the current occupancy of your place. Click on Configure to set up Capacity Management, if you have not done so yet.
  5. On the next chart you see the number of unique users on the current day, and a summary of unique users distributed on days of the current week. Click on the bar chart to see a list of unlocks by users on a selected day.
  6. The User activity list gives you an overview of all the unlock events that happened on the current day by user, their first and latest unlock, which door they unlocked last, and if they are on-site or inactive.
  7. Click on the User’s name to access their profile and review user analytics
  8. Scroll down to the Place activity heatmap to see the number of unlock events by hour, for every day of the week. This should help you identify the busiest hours of the day, and the busiest days of the week.
  9. Click on an individual tile to see all the unlock events in that time slot

Filter place activity heatmap by door

You can filter the Place activity heatmap by door to see the number of unlocks for a specific door: when and how many times it was unlocked during the week. For this, you need to first add the Place activity heatmap widget to a place dashboard.

Add the widget to a place dashboard

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. On your organization / place dashboard, scroll down to the bottom and click on Customize
  3. Drag-and-drop the Place activity heatmap widget from the left column to the right column
  4. Click Save
  5. Select the places you want to save the widget to
  6. Click Save again

Filter by door

  1. Navigate to the place dashboard where you added the widget to
  2. Scroll down to locate the Heatmap card
  3. Open the Search door dropdown and select a door
  4. Use the Previous week and Next week links to see the number of unlocks for different weeks
  5. Click on the slots to be redirected to the events that happened in that time slot