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Configure reader permissions

By configuring reader permissions, you can have more control over how users can access your spaces.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to the Place menu and select the place you want to adjust the reader for
  3. Navigate to Hardware in the left-hand menu and select the Readers tab
  4. Click on the reader you want to configure
  5. Scroll down to Permissions and adjust them to fit your needs. Depending on which reader type you want to configure, use the tabs below.
  • Two-Factor Authentication: If enabled, users will be required to unlock their phones when tapping this Kisi Reader.
  • MotionSense: If enabled, mobile users will be able to unlock the door by waving in front of the Kisi reader.
  • Unlock buzzer: If enabled, the reader will play a sound after each unlock.
  • Held open buzzer: If enabled, the reader will play a sound when the door is held open.
  • Tamper Protection: If enabled, unlocking via the reader will be temporarily halted upon tampering detection until the admin resets the tamper. Also, Kisi will generate an event upon detecting any tampering with the reader.
  • Checkout reader: If enabled, this reader will be defined as a checkout reader. Any users tapping it will be considered as "checked out," and events such as "User has left this place" will be created. If you have capacity management enabled, this setting should also be enabled to increase occupancy precision.

Adjust reader sensitivity

By adjusting the reader sensitivity, you can fine-tune the proximity range of the sensor, i.e., the distance the user can be from the sensor and still be detected by the reader.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to the Place menu and select the place you want to adjust the reader for
  3. Navigate to Hardware in the left-hand menu and select the Readers tab
  4. Click on the reader you want to configure
  5. Scroll down to Sensitivity and use the slider to adjust