Recommended equipment
The following is a list of recommended door security items, including electric locks, low voltage wiring, network cables, external power supply, PoE injector, Ethernet couplers, keypad override, motion sensor, push-to-exit button, contact sensors, and alarm timer.
Use the tabs below or download it as a PDF. For installation instructions, please refer to our guide provided by Kisi Academy.
A CAT6 or CAT5 cable will be installed as a direct connection from the reader location to the IT room, where it will be linked to the switch via Power over Ethernet (PoE).

- Wire a 18-2 gauge low-voltage wiring from the electronic door hardware to the Kisi controller relay positioned in the IT room.
- Find 18-2 gauge cables here

- TE Connectivity AMP Connectors
- Manufacturer Product Number: 796634-2

For further details visit our website or read our guide on how to install a door access control system.