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Add third-party NFC credentials

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. On your organization dashboard, click on Credentials
  3. Click on Add credential and select Single credential
  4. Select the Enter card data tab (selected by default)
  5. Under Card Type, select 3-rd party NFC 4/7 byte
  6. Under Card UID (Hex), enter the card token printed on the card (case sensitive)
  7. Under Assign to user, enter the email address of the user you want to assign this card to (required)
  8. Click Add

Enable MIFARE Classic card support

MIFARE Classic cards are based on NFC technology and can be used for secure access and identification within Kisi, offering reliable and easy integration for your security needs.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. On your organization dashboard, click on Settings
  3. Select the Advanced tab
  4. Under MiFare Classic Cards, enable the toggle for Support MiFare Classic cards
  5. Fill out the configuration fields:
    • Key type
    • Key value
    • Sector number
    • Block address
    • Data offset
    • Data length
  6. Click Save

Once saved, you will be able to use MIFARE Classic cards within this Kisi organization for secure access and identification.


The encrypted MIFARE Classic card support only works with the Reader Pro 2.1