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Review event history

You can review detailed information on the events that have occurred at your Kisi organization on the Event history page.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. On your organization dashboard, click on Event history
  3. Open the place dropdown and choose the place for which you want to view events
  4. Depening on your needs, switch between the Access events, Audit events, or All events tab
    • Access events include all events related to accessing spaces, e.g. door unlock, door held open, door locked down, etc.
    • Audit events cover all administrative events within Kisi, e.g. door created, place updated, card destroyed, access shared (role assignment created), etc.
    • Alternatively, you can view All events, which includes both access and audit events
  5. [For access events only] Click on the Group related events icon to view related events organized in sequences
  6. Refine your event list by using filters for object, action, user, or time. For example, by filtering for Object > Doors > Main entrance, you will exclusively view events related to this specific door.
  7. Scroll down the list to load older events
  8. Select an event entry to see its details
  9. Click the camera icon on the right of an entry to see the video footage associated to it (this feature requires a camera integration with Kisi)

Auto-refresh event history

With the auto-refresh feature you can effortlessly keep the event lists up-to-date without manual intervention. Once turned on, the event list will be updated every 10 seconds.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. On your organization dashboard, click on Event history
  3. Open the place dropdown and choose the place for which you want to view events
  4. Locate and click on the refresh button (two rotating arrows)

You can disable the auto-refresh feature at any time by clicking the same button again.