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Event History

An event is an action that occurs within an organization and its resources. A door being unlocked, access being shared to a user, a scheduled unlock starting, a door forced open and other actions will be recorded as events.

Event types

There are two types of events in Kisi:

  • Access events: all events related to accessing spaces, e.g. door unlock, door held open, door locked down
  • Audit events: all events related to administrative tasks in Kisi, e.g. door created, place updated, card destroyed

Kisi event retention and limitations

Kisi retains events indefinitely. As a Kisi admin, you can set Event retention policies and define how certain events should be treated after the retention period.

Upon initial access to the Event history page, Kisi displays all events that occurred within the last 90 days, limiting search results to a maximum of 10,000 events. If your event count within the last 90 days exceeds 10,000, only the most recent 10,000 will be displayed. To access the remaining events, you must retrieve the timestamp of the earliest event displayed, and then navigate back in time for up to an additional 100 days from that point. The date can extend back several years, but the search range cannot exceed 100 days.


The following table shows Kisi resources and all the events that you may encounter when interacting with them.


  • Destroy
  • Import
  • Update


  • Activate
  • Activate with token
  • Assign
  • Assign user
  • Deactivate
  • Deactivate with token
  • Deassign
  • Deassign with user


  • Cancel lockdown
  • Closed
  • Create
  • Destroy
  • Forced open
  • Held open
  • Lockdown
  • Locked
  • Opened
  • Other unlocks
  • Scheduled unlocks ended
  • Scheduled unlocks started
  • Unlock (by a user)
  • Update


  • Create
  • Destroy
  • Permit
  • Permitted

Event Export

  • Create
  • Download
  • Finished


  • Update


  • Create
  • Destroy
  • Update


  • Create
  • Destroy
  • Update
  • Disabled due to error rate
  • Elevated error rate
  • Update


  • Create
  • Destroy
  • Sign in
  • Sign out


  • Assign backup card
  • Assign card
  • Create
  • Deassign backup card
  • Destroy
  • Disable backup card
  • Disable card
  • Enable backup card
  • Enable card
  • Update


  • Cancel
  • Update


  • Create
  • Create backup code
  • Activate 2-factor authentication
  • Deactivate 2-factor authentication
  • Destroy
  • Update

For a more comprehensive list of event types, refer to our API documentation.

Forced open vs Held open

Forced open and Held open are door-related event types in Kisi, triggered by contact sensors.

  • A Forced open event is created when Kisi doesn't detect any unlock, but the contact sensor reports the door being open.

  • A Held open event is created when Kisi detects an unlock, but the contact sensor reports the door being open longer than the duration set by the organization admin.


To configure how long the contact sensor should wait after an Unlock event before triggering a Held open event, read Configure contact sensors.

Event logs

The recorded event is called an event log. Event logs store the user responsible for the event, the event type (e.g. lock.unlock), and the date and time of it.

Event logs can be viewed in real time in the Kisi web and mobile apps, or they can be exported as event reports. An exported event report is a CSV file containing all events for a defined time period. This report can be filtered to search for a user's email address, the time of access, access groups, or specific access points. This gives admins an audit trail with a highly granular level of detail to allow for tracing security-related events back to their source.

You can use events to trigger alerts by setting up alert policies. Through integrations, events can also be forwarded to external 3rd party services.

User removal impact on event logs

If you're utilizing a Single Sign-On (SSO) platform and an employee is removed, upon reviewing the Event history, the logs related to that user will continue displaying the user's name, even though they've been removed from the system.