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Add users

By adding users, you can customize access for everyone in your space. In Kisi, you have several options to do this.

  1. Add users through SCIM
  2. Import users through directories and/or 3rd party integrations
  3. Import users in bulk through a CSV file
  4. Add users manually

Add users through SCIM

As a Kisi organization owner, you can enable System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) provisioning and de-provisioning for your Kisi organization members. Kisi supports SCIM with several identity providers (IdPs) and directory services.

For instructions please refer to the following integration guides:

Import users through directories and/or 3rd party integrations

If don't yet have SSO set up, you can still import users from your directories by manually setting up the integration. Currently, we offer user import integrations with the following solutions:

Import users in bulk through a CSV file

If you don't want to import users via an integration, you can still upload them in bulk through a CSV file.

  1. On your organization dashboard, click Users
  2. Select the Import users tab
  3. Download the linked CSV template and populate it with the users you’d like to import
  4. On the same page, scroll down to the bottom and upload your file

Add users manually

Add users as an organization admin

As an organization admin, you can add users manually both on the web and the mobile apps.

  1. On your organization dashboard, click Users
  2. Click the Add users tab
  3. Enter a valid email address. Optionally, you can enter the user's name
  4. Click on Add another to add further users
  5. Click on Share access
  6. Under Select scope, choose whether the desired access right should be group-, place-, or organization-scoped
  7. If you select a group or place, in the next step specify which group or place you wish to grant access for
  8. Select the preferred access right
  9. If you want the user to receive an automatic Kisi email with login instructions, activate the Notify the user toggle
  10. Click Share

Add users as a place admin or group manager

Other Kisi roles, such as place admins and group managers, also can add new users while simultaneously adding them to a specific group.

  1. On your organization dashboard, click on Groups
  2. From the list of groups, select the specific group to which you wish to grant access
  3. Scroll down and click on Share access
  4. Provide the email address of the user with whom you wish to share access under the Email section
  5. Choose the appropriate role for the user. If you opt for Door access, you can set a validity date for when the access should expire.
  6. Enable the Notify the user toggle if you want the user to receive an automatic Kisi email with login instructions
  7. Click Share. Once shared, the user will be shown on the user list.

On to the next step

Now that you've added users to your Kisi organization, it's time to create a group for them.