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Review reports

Kisi logs every event that occurs at an organization, including the responsible user and timestamp. Users with administrator, access manager and observer roles can export these as advanced and customizable reports to gain profound insights into their spaces.

Depending on your needs, reports can be pre-scheduled for automated delivery or ad-hoc generated for immediate access. Currently, the following report types are available in Kisi:

Scheduled versus ad-hoc reports

Reports can be generated in two ways: ad-hoc, or based on a schedule (e.g. weekly on Fridays).

  • Report schedules allow admins and auditors to automatically receive specific reports at their chosen intervals.
  • Ad-hoc generated reports provide ad-hoc insights, customized to a specified timeframe.

Each individual user can generate a new report at most every 10 minutes.

Event exports

Event exports help you to find and further investigate a specific event in your Kisi environment. Event exports can be fine-tuned with advanced object and variable filters, delivering even more precise insights you need for optimum control.

  • user ID
  • user email
  • user action
  • authentication type
  • authentication ID
  • object type
  • object ID
  • date
  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to Reports
  3. In the Report Schedules section, click on Add Schedule
  4. Enter a name for your report (e.g., "Kisi events weekly")
  5. Open the Type dropdown, and choose Event Export
  6. Select the Place for which you would like to generate the report, or select All
  7. Under Periodicity, choose how often you want to receive your report and define the starting date
  8. Under Recipients, specify the audience for the report and their preferred delivery method by entering one or more (up to a maximum of 5) valid email addresses, separated by semicolons
  9. Press Enter after entering the email address(es)
  10. Click Add

Once you have added a schedule, it will appear under Report Schedules. Once the first report has been generated, it will appear under All reports. In addition to being sent to the defined email addresses at the defined cadence, you can also click on the arrow next to the report to download the most recent version.

User exports

User exports help you to find and further investigate a specific user in your Kisi environment. These reports offer a comprehensive list of properties that can be downloaded in CSV file format for your convenience.

  • user name
  • email
  • access suspended
  • organization roles
  • place roles
  • group roles
  • last accessed by card
  • last accessed by backup card
  • last accessed by login
  • card token
  • backup card token
  • notes
  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to Reports
  3. In the Report Schedules section, click on Add Schedule
  4. Enter a name for your report (e.g., "Kisi users weekly")
  5. Open the Type dropdown, and choose User Export
  6. Select the Place for which you would like to generate the report, or select All
  7. Under Periodicity, choose how often you want to receive your report and define the starting date
  8. Under Recipients, specify the audience for the report and their preferred delivery method by entering one or more (up to a maximum of 5) valid email addresses, separated by semicolons
  9. Press Enter after entering the email address(es)
  10. Click Add

Once you have added a schedule, it will appear under Report Schedules. Once the first report has been generated, it will appear under All reports. In addition to being sent to the defined email addresses at the defined cadence, you can also click on the arrow next to the report to download the most recent version.

User presence reports

User presence reports provide insights into the unique unlocks in a specified timeframe and the number of days when the user performed at least one unlock. User presence reports can be organization-wide or limited to a place. The lowest timeframe resolution is one day.

  • user name
  • email
  • access rights
  • first unlock
  • last unlock
  • days with unlocks
  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to Reports
  3. In the Report Schedules section, click on Add Schedule
  4. Enter a name for your report
  5. Open the Type dropdown, and choose User presence
  6. Select the Place for which you would like to generate the report, or select All
  7. Under Periodicity, choose how often you want to receive your report and define the starting date
  8. Under Recipients, specify the audience for the report by entering one or more (up to a maximum of 5) valid email addresses, separated by semicolons
  9. Press Enter after entering the email address(es)
  10. Click Add

Weekly place analytics reports

Weekly place analytics reports help you track place usage without the need for time-consuming data manipulation. These reports can be generated with just a few clicks and are readily available for download in PDF format, ensuring ease of access and sharing. Weekly place analytics reports include:

  • Daily place usage
  • Heatmap of unique user unlocks
  • Weekly unique users
  • Unlocks by credential type
  • The top 5 most frequently used doors
  • Recent failed unlock attempts
  • Hardware metrics
  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to Reports
  3. In the Report Schedules section, click on Add Schedule
  4. Enter a name for your report (e.g., "New York weekly place usage")
  5. Open the Type dropdown, and choose Weekly place analytics
  6. Select the Place for which you would like to generate the report, or select All
  7. Under Periodicity, define the start date of the desired 7-days interval
  8. Under Recipients, specify the audience for the report and their preferred delivery method by entering one or more (up to a maximum of 5) valid email addresses, separated by semicolons
  9. Press Enter after entering the email address(es)
  10. Click Add

Once you have added a schedule, it will appear under Report Schedules. Once the first report has been generated, it will appear under All reports. In addition to being sent to the defined email addresses at the defined cadence, you can also click on the arrow next to the report to download the most recent version.

Door unlock permissions reports

Door unlock permissions reports provide a list of users who have been granted access permissions to a specific door. The report includes:

  • user name
  • user email
  • user role
  • the scope of the role
  • permission valid from / until
  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to Reports
  3. In the Report Schedules section, click on Add Schedule
  4. Enter a name for your report (e.g., "Front door permissions weekly")
  5. Open the Type dropdown, and choose Door unlock permissions
  6. Select the Place for which you would like to generate the report
  7. Select the Door for which you would like to generate the report
  8. Under Periodicity, choose how often you want to receive your report and define the starting date
  9. Under Recipients, specify the audience for the report and their preferred delivery method by entering one or more (up to a maximum of 5) valid email addresses, separated by semicolons
  10. Press Enter after entering the email address(es)
  11. Click Add

Once you have added a schedule, it will appear under Report Schedules. Once the first report has been generated, it will appear under All reports. In addition to being sent to the defined email addresses at the defined cadence, you can also click on the arrow next to the report to download the most recent version.

Delete reports

If you no longer need a report schedule or a report, you can easily delete it.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to Reports
  3. Under Report Schedules, select the schedule you want to delete
  4. Click Delete in the upper right corner
  5. Confirm by clicking Delete in the dialogue