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Integrate TeamUp with Kisi

Sync Kisi with your TeamUp account to grant access based on membership types and upcoming registrations. When customers try to access your facility, Kisi will check their membership status in real-time using TeamUp. If the member has paid for their membership and/or class fees, they will instantly be granted access.


This is a partner-built integration, maintained and supported by the partner.


  • Kisi organization administrator rights
  • TeamUp account

Generate a Kisi API key

You need to have organization administrator or organization owner rights to create an API key. We recommend creating API keys from the organization owner's account, to avoid the API key becoming invalid when an organization admin loses their admin rights.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. On the top right corner, click on your name and click on My Account
  3. Next, select the API tab and click on Add API key
  4. Enter your name, your Kisi password, and your verification code and click Add
  5. Copy the API key shown on the screen and click Close

Configure the integration in TeamUp

  1. Sign in to TeamUp
  2. Go to Settings and click on the Integrations tab
  3. Navigate to Kisi and click on Get started
  4. Enter the Kisi API key you obtained before
  5. Click on Connect. Now, Kisi shows as Integrated on your TeamUp integrations page.
  6. Under the integration, click on the Options dropdown and select Manage
  7. If you've already got your Kisi groups created, you will see these all listed up under Access groups
  • If you haven't yet created groups in your Kisi account, you can do it under Create groups
  • Next, make sure you configure group settings, so you can control how and when users in this specific group can access your facility
  • Once created, your new Kisi group will be immediately syncronized with TeamUp and show up under Access groups

Configure rules for access groups in TeamUp

Within each access group's sync settings, you can define membership and upcoming registration-based rules for that access group.

  1. Under Access groups, navigate to the group you want to configure rules for, and click Edit. Here you have two options to authorize access:
  • Authorize access based on memberships: this option allows you to sync customers holding an active membership to this access group.

Kisi will only allow access if the membership is active (e.g if a customer has a pack membership but it is fully used, it is no longer considered active and access will not be granted).

  • Authorize access based on registrations: this option allows you to sync customers with upcoming session registrations to this access group (classes, appointments and courses).
  1. Under Access duration, set the timeframe during which customers should be granted access based on the selected registration
  2. Under Advanced settings you can restrict or grant access for blocked memberships (if there is a failed or retry payment or a manual block), by selecting the Allow access with blocked memberships
  3. Click Save

Once you've saved the changes, you'll see a summary of the rules you've created below the access group's name.


Users will be synced based on their membership status OR based on whether they have a specific upcoming registration. You don't need to set up membership and registration rules for each access group. You can select one or the other, or both.