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Customize your place dashboard

You can choose the information you see when you enter your Kisi places by customizing your dashboard tiles. You can have different dashboard configurations for different places.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Click on the Places icon
  3. If the default place is different from the one you want to access, click on ← Places
  4. Select the desired place from the list, or by clicking on it on the interactive world map
  5. On your place dashboard, scroll down to the bottom and click on Customize
  6. Drag-and-drop the widgets from the left column to the right column
  7. Click Save
  8. Select the places you want to save your customized dashboard to
  9. Click Save again

Mark a place as favorite

You can mark places as favorites to help you find them quickly.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Click on the Places icon
  3. Click on ← Places
  4. Find the place you want to mark as favorite
  5. On the right of the place name, click the star icon

Use the same icon to remove a place from your favorites.

Add dashboard widgets

Kisi provides a wide range of dashboard widgets, allowing you to customize your dashboard and always have the most important information at your fingertips.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. On your organization/place dashboard, scroll down and click on Customize
  3. Drag-and-drop the widgets from the left column to the right column, as required
  4. Click Save
  5. Select the places you want to save the widget to
  6. Click Save again

Available widgets

  • Place Image: Displays a logo or representative image for your place, the number of doors, and an option to mark the place as a favorite.
  • Status Overview: Provides a quick overview of offline doors and hardware status.
  • Capacity Management: Shows the current occupancy rate of the place.
  • Unique Users: Displays the number of unique users per weekday.
  • Unlock History: Lists the latest unlocks at this place.
  • Unlock Schedules: Offers an overview of all unlock schedules set for the doors at this place.
  • Place Activity Heatmap: Displays the number of unlocks for each weekday and each hour of the day, filterable by door.
  • Quick Access: Lists all doors in this place and their status, with an option to unlock a door with a click.
  • Quick Links: Provides one-click options to add new users, share access, send access links, and suspend users.
  • Place Lockdown: Allows you to lock down the place with one click to prevent users from entering or exiting any door.