Set elevator access schedules
By setting access schedules for elevators, you can make sure an elevator stop can only be unlocked during a defined time period.
Set access schedules for elevators
- Sign in to Kisi
- Navigate to the place where you have your elevator set up
- On your place dashboard, click on Floors and Elevators
- Select the elevator you want to set an access schedule for
- Select the floor you want to set an access schedule for
- Scroll down and select the Access schedules tab
- Enable the Time restriction toggle
- Click on Add schedule
- Click on Access
- In the Type dropdown, choose between Single Event or a Recurring Event:
- For Single Events, you can select the access schedule to occur all day and for a specific time window
- For Recurring Events, you can select the access schedule to occur on a specific day within a time period, or restrict access to an elevator stop all day
- Add a start/end date and time
- Click Save
Set access schedule exceptions for elevators
By setting an access schedule exception, you can override an access schedule set for an elevator stop and deny access during a defined time period.
- Sign in to Kisi
- Navigate to the place where you have your elevator set up
- On your place dashboard, click on Floors and Elevators
- Select the elevator you want to set an access schedule exception for
- Select the floor you want to set an access schedule exception for
- Scroll down and select the Access schedules tab
- Enable the Time restriction toggle
- Click on Add schedule
- Select Exception
- In the Type dropdown, you can choose between Single event, Recurring event, or Holiday events. Based on your selection, follow the instructions below.
- On a single event
- On a recurring event
- On a holiday event
To deny access only once, you can add a single event as exception to override an access schedule.
- Open the Type dropdown and select Single event
- Add a start/end date and time. If the access should be denied all day, enable the All day toggle.
- Click Save
To deny access more than once, you can add a recurring event as exception to override an access schedule.
- Open the Type dropdown and select Recurring event
- Select the days on which access should be denied
- Add a start/end date and time. If access should be denied all day, enable the All day toggle.
- Click Save
To deny access on certain holidays, you can add a whole holidays list that is specific for your country as exception by choosing Holiday events option.
- Open the Type dropdown and select Holiday events
- Open the Holiday region dropdown and select your region
- For holidays that fall on a weekend, you can make sure the preceding Friday or following Monday will be observed as holiday by enabling the Observed holiday toggle
- Click Save
Edit, disable, or delete door access schedules
- On your place dashboard, click on Elevators
- Select the elevator you want to modify an access schedule or access schedule exceptions for
- Scroll down and select the Access schedules tab. Based on what you want to achieve, follow the instructions below:
- Edit: open the schedule and make your adjustments
- Enable/disable: navigate to the schedule you want to enable/disable, and use the toggle next to it. Alternatively, you can select it using the checkbox on the left, and click Enable/Disable
- Delete: select the schedule you want to delete using the checkbox on the left, and click Delete