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Integrate Kisi with Singlewire Software

By integrating Kisi with Singlewire Software, you can utilize the InformaCast API Connector to initiate a lockdown when necessary and lift the lockdown once the emergency has concluded, all seamlessly managed through Kisi.


This is a partner-built integration, maintained and supported by the partner.


  • Kisi administrator rights
  • An active Kisi subscription
  • One or more configured Kisi places
  • An active InformaCast subscription

Generate an API key

  1. Open the Kisi API explorer and navigate to the Create login
  2. In the Body section on the right side, insert the following data to generate the API key:
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"login": {
"type": "api",
"name": "",
"expire": false
"user": {
"domain": "string",
"email": "string",
"password": "string",
  1. Click the Send API request and verify you get back a 200 OK response with the response data
  2. Store the API key, called authentication_token in the API response, and store it for use in a subsequent step

Obtain the Kisi place ID(s)

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. Navigate to your place
  3. Identify the place ID in the URL
  4. Store this ID (and any other place ID you'd like to integrate with) for use in a subsequent step

Configure a message template

  1. Sign in to Singewire Software
  2. Search for Message Templates in the left-hand navigation search bar or navigate to Notifications > Message Templates
  3. Create a new Message Template and give it a name that's easy to recognize later (e.g., Kisi Notification)
  4. In the Subject field, add some placeholder text. This will be overridden in the Scenario configuration step.
  5. Configure Audio, Image, and other elements in the Content section
  6. Enable every recipient's choice
  7. Save the Message Template

Configure a site role

  1. Search for Site Roles in the left-hand navigation search bar or navigate to Notifications > Command Center > Site Roles
  2. Create a new Site Role and give it a name to represent a group in your organization. This same Site Role name can be used for any number of locations, so you do not have to create a separate named group for every site.

Configure a site

  1. Search for Sites in the left-hand navigation search bar or navigate to Notifications > Command Center > Sites.
  2. Create a new Site and give it a name to represent one of your organization's locations (e.g., "Headquarters") and click Save. The new Site details page appears.
  3. Link the Site Role to this Site
    • Click the Site Roles tab in the left-hand pane of the Site details page
    • Click the + icon to add a Site Role to this Site
    • Select the Site Role you created in the previous step from the dropdown menu in the Name section
    • Add any InformaCast recipients that belong to this location that should receive the notification
  4. Click Save
  5. Click on the Buildings tab and create a new building. Search for the address, and the form will automatically populate with that information. Provide a name (e.g., "Main Building") and save. The new Building details page appears.
  6. Click the Floors tab and create a new floor. The new Floor details page appears after you save.
  7. Click the Rooms/Zones tab and create a new room after you save
  8. Repeat the steps above for any additional Sites, Buildings, Floors, and Rooms you need to configure

Configure the lockdown scenario

  1. Search for Scenarios in the left-hand navigation search bar or navigate to Notifications > Command Center > Scenarios
  2. Create a new Scenario and give it a name that's easy to recognize later (e.g. Kisi Lockdown)
  3. In the Scenario Setup section, add an Icon and color, and include the Sites and API Connector options. Due to technical limitations, you must create and save the Scenario before adding the API Connector component.
  4. Configure the Notification
    • Scroll down to the Scenario Notifications section
    • Give the notification a name that's easy to recognize, and select the Kisi Notification Message Template we created earlier from the dropdown
    • Enable the Override Message Template option to input the Subject and Body of the notification. For this example, those values are:
      • Subject: "Emergency Lockdown initiated at location.description!"
      • Body: "Emergency Lockdown initiated at location.description!"
    • Select the Site Role (e.g., Staff) you configured earlier to receive this notification
  5. Save the Scenario, then immediately edit it to finish the configuration
  6. You may now check the API Connector option in the Scenario Setup section in the newly created Scenario
  7. Scroll down to the API Connectors section

Configure the API Connector

  1. Click the Add API Connector button to navigate to the configuration area
  2. Give the API Connector webhook a name (e.g., Kisi Lockdown Request)
  3. Select POST from the Method field dropdown
  4. In the Webhook URL field, insert the following:
  5. Finally, navigate to the Headers tab and insert the following Keys and Values
    • Key: Authorization | Value: KISI-LOGIN your-kisi-api-key (Encrypt this value for additional security)
    • Key: Content-Type | Value: application/json
    • Key: Accept | Value: application/json
  6. Save the API Connector. Note: while this example only initiates a single webhook, you may configure multiple on a single Scenario. This is useful for the case where you want to lock down / lift the lockdown at multiple places at once.
  7. Save the Scenario.
  8. Configure additional Lockdown Scenarios if you wish to lock down other Kisi places separately

For additional scenarios please visit the Singlewire Software documentation.