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Integrate Kisi with Mindbody

Mindbody is an all-in-one software solution for businesses within the fitness and wellness industry. The integration synchronizes users' memberships and bookings instantly with their Kisi place, and check users into Mindbody whenever a relevant door is unlocked at the place.


This is a partner-built integration, maintained and supported by GymAxess.

Prerequisites to set up the integration

  • Kisi Organization Administrator rights
  • Mindbody SiteId owner credentials

Prerequisites for Mindbody members to be imported into Kisi

  • An active pricing option
  • An active booking

Set up the Mindbody integration

Reach out to to get started with this integration. GymAxess will take care of ordering your Kisi hardware, setting up your Kisi organization and manage the remote install together with a local installer.

Synchronizing Mindbody members with Kisi

  • As part of the onboarding of your business, access rights will be assigned based on any pricing options and bookings on file at that time. Hereafter, access rights will be updated based on any relevant webhooks that Mindbody sends out for client updates, sales and bookings.
  • Within 1-2 minutes after an update has been sent out from Mindbody, Kisi will be updated as well.

The first time a member gets assigned access rights in Kisi, an automated email will be sent out with a download and sign-in instruction.

Check Kisi users in through Mindbody

  • Mindbody members will have to sign up with Kisi to unlock
  • Whenever a door is being unlocked, Mindbody will be updated accordingly. By default there will be added an arrival to Mindbody but class ‘checks-in’ and ‘appointment complete’ events can also be enabled.
  • GymAxess has developed a custom dashboard that displays all door events in Kisi, including a live ticker with member photo and other relevant information from Mindbody.

When a Mindbody user's membership is inactive, or their booking is in the past, they are removed from the group, however, their user will remain in Kisi for future use. Even though they have a user in Kisi, they will not have access to any doors.