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Integrate Evini with Kisi

The Evini and Kisi integration allows for automatic synchronization, ensuring Evini users have a corresponding Kisi profile for easy access to Kisi-controlled doors.


This is a partner-built integration, maintained and supported by the partner.


  • Kisi organization administrator rights
  • Evini account

If you already have Kisi set up, ensure that you remove any previously assigned users from groups before integrating with Evini. Removing them from groups will not delete their accounts, allowing your members to continue using Kisi with no disruption. For more information, click here.

Generate a Kisi API key

You need to have organization administrator or organization owner rights to create an API key. We recommend creating API keys from the organization owner's account, to avoid the API key becoming invalid when an organization admin loses their admin rights.

  1. Sign in to Kisi
  2. On the top right corner, click on your name and click on My Account
  3. Next, select the API tab and click on Add API key
  4. Enter your name, your Kisi password, and your verification code and click Add
  5. Copy the API key shown on the screen and click Close

Create a Kisi group

To share access with users, you must first add them to at least one group. Kisi groups allow to share access to an entire pool of users, all with similar permissions and restrictions to the same doors.

  1. Navigate to your organization dashboard, and click on Groups
  2. Click on Add a group
  3. Define the name and add a description of your group
  4. Open the Select place dropdown and select the place you want your new group to have access to
  5. If it should be a place group, enable the Scope to a place toggle. This setting will turn your new group into a place-scoped group, and it can't be changed after the group is created.
  6. Open the Search doors dropdown and select the door(s) you want your new group to have access to
  7. Open the Search elevators dropdown and select the elevator(s) you want your new group to have access to
  8. Under Add users to group, enter one or more valid email addresses separated by commas, and press Enter
  9. Click on the email address to specify the user's role in this group
  • Select Group manager if the user should be able to manage users in the group
  • Select Door access if the user should only be able to access doors in this group. Set a validity date if access should be only valid during a specific time frame.
  1. Enable the Notify the user toggle if the user should receive a notification email with login instructions
  2. Click Save
  3. Click Add

Configure the integration in Evini

  1. Sign in to Evini
  2. Navigate to Settings and select Business details
  3. Click on Edit next to the preferred location
  4. Under Access control, click on Setup Kisi integration
  5. Enter the Kisi API key you obtained before
  6. On the location page, click Configure
  7. Select the products you wish to grant access to, and map them to the corresponding Kisi groups you've created
  8. For multiple locations, associate your Kisi locks to the respective locations under Associate Kisi locks with locations
  9. Under Automatic sign in, you can opt to have customers automatically signed into classes if they unlock a Kisi-enabled door within two hours before a class starts

Once set up, no additional actions are needed. Evini will automatically send new customer information to Kisi and remove old customer profiles when such events occur. As customers pass through a Kisi device, the system records the data under their profile, allowing you to track their attendance. For daily access records, you can conveniently view aggregated logs under the Reports section.