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This section lists all endpoints and methods which are currently in a deprecation period.


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Deprecation of interval field in the Reports endpoints

We are deprecating the interval field in the Reports endpoints in favor of start_date, end_date and time_zone fields. Currently, the expected interval format is <Start>/<End>, e.g: 2019-03-09T13:00:00Z/2019-03-10T15:30:00Z. We are replacing this with two separate fields for the start and end dates, and a time_zone field:

  • start_date: The start date of the interval used to filter the data for the report in YYYY-MM-DD, e.g: 2019-03-09.
  • end_date: The end date of the interval used to filter the data in YYYY-MM-DD format, e.g: 2019-03-09.
  • time_zone: The time zone used for interpreting the start and end dates of the report.

The affected endpoints are:

Sunset date

The sunset date is July 1, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of cards enroll endpoint

The POST /cards/enroll endpoint is being deprecated in favor of the new endpoint for creating cards POST /cards.

See the docs for the new endpoint:

Sunset date

The sunset date is July 1, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of token and UID as identifiers

We are deprecating the token and UID as identifiers in these endpoints:

All these endpoints will only accept card ID as card identifier. In order to get the card ID for a card with a certain token or UID, you can filter by token or UID calling this endpoint:

Sunset date

The sunset date is July 1, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of token for third-party cards

The token for third-party cards is now deprecated. After the deprecation date, we will stop returning it for those cards. However, we will continue to return it for MIFARE DESFire cards. For further details, please refer to the documentation:

Sunset date

The sunset date is May 20, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of card type values

We are deprecating the card type values. We currently return these values:

  • mifare_desfire_ev1
  • mifare_desfire_ev3
  • legacy

mifare_desfire_ev1 and mifare_desfire_ev3 will be merged into mifare_desfire.

legacy will be splitted into:

  • third_party_hf
  • third_party_lf
  • third_party_lf_hid_h10301
  • third_party_lf_hid_h10302
  • third_party_lf_hid_h10304
  • third_party_lf_em_410x_26
  • third_party_lf_em_410x_32_34
  • third_party_lf_keyscan_c15001

If you're validating the allowed values, it's important to accept both versions simultaneously. This ensures that when we deprecate the old values and transition to the new ones, your code won't fail. After the deprecation period, you can only accept the new values.

Sunset date

The sunset date is May 15, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of event IDs in favor of UUIDs

The id property of events has been deprecated. The id property is currently returned by:

If you are currently using the id property, you should update your code to not expect it anymore. There is a new uuid property, a unique UUID string, which can be used instead if needed.

Sunset date

The sunset date is April 15, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of event references

The references property of events has been deprecated. It is already no longer possible to filter events by references. The property is currently returned by:

If you have been using references in order to retrieve the organization or place of the event, you should transition to using the organization_id and place_id properties instead.

Sunset date

The sunset date is April 15, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of member counts in various endpoints

The members_count field is being deprecated in favor of the users_count field in the following endpoints:

The members_count field is being deprecated without any successors in the following endpoints:

Sunset date

The sunset date is March 31, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of member export reporter

The /member_export_reporters endpoint is deprecated in favor of the /user_export_reporters endpoint.

Deprecated endpoints:

New endpoints to use:

The reporter_type field's value MemberExportReporter is also deprecated in favor of UserExportReporter in the following endpoints:

Sunset date

The sunset date is March 31, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of member filter in the fetch cards endpoint

The member_id query parameter of GET /cards is being deprecated in favor of the user_id parameter.

For more information, read the API documentation for this endpoint:

Sunset date

The sunset date is March 31, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of presence endpoint properties

The member_id, member_name, user_id, user_name and user_email fields are being deprecated. They are replaced now by the fields actor_type, actor_id, actor_name and actor_email. During the deprecation phase we will only return User as actor_type. After finalizing the deprecation we will start returning GroupLink as actor_type too.

For more information, read the API documentation for this endpoint:

Sunset date

The sunset date is January 15, 2024. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoints before this date.

Deprecation of member assignment to cards

The member assignment to cards feature is being deprecated. This change impacts several endpoints associated with the deprecation:

  • POST /cards/:id/assign_member: this endpoint is being removed and replaced in favor of POST /cards/:id/assign. The event also changes from member.assign_card to card.assign. For more information about how the endpoint works read:
  • POST /cards/:id/deassign_member: this endpoint is being removed and replaced in favor of POST /cards/:id/deassign. The event also changes from member.deassign_card to card.assign. For more information about how the endpoint works read:
  • GET /cards/:id: the properties member_assigned and member are deprecated.
  • POST /members/:id/assign_card: this endpoint is being removed and replaced by POST /cards/:id/assign. The event also changes from member.assign_card to card.assign. For more information about how the endpoint works read:
  • POST /members/:id/assign_backup_card: this endpoint is being removed and replaced by POST /cards/:id/assign. We no longer support assigning specific cards as backup. We now assign the card as backup automatically depending on the cards the user already has. The event also changes from member.assign_backup_card to card.assign. For more information about how the endpoint works read:
  • POST /members/:id/deassign_card: this endpoint is being removed and replaced by POST /cards/:id/deassign. The event also changes from member.deassign_card to card.deassign. For more information about how the endpoint works read:
  • POST /members/:id/deassign_backup_card: this endpoint is being removed and replaced by POST /cards/:id/deassign. The event also changes from member.deassign_backup_card to card.deassign. For more information about how the endpoint works read:
  • GET /members/:id and GET /members: the properties cards_count, card_assigned, card_assigned_at, backup_card_assignes, backup_card_assigned_at, card_id, card_assigned_by_id, backup_card_id, backup_card_assigned_by_id, backup_card, card, card_assigned_by, backup_card_assigned_by are deprecated.

Sunset date

The sunset date for the above mentioned endpoints is December 31, 2023. Please make sure to update any code calling the affected endpoint before this date.

Deprecation of events endpoint

The GET /events endpoint is being deprecated in favor of two new endpoints: POST /event_sets and GET /event_sets/{id}.

To ensure a smooth transition, please refer to our updated documentation at the following links:


Event endpoints have stricter rate limits than other endpoints. Whenever possible, we recommend using webhooks instead of relying on polling with API calls. This ensures real-time updates and reduces the risk of hitting rate limits.

Sunset date

The sunset date of the GET /events endpoint is December 31, 2023. We kindly ask you to make the necessary adjustments to your codebase well in advance to prevent any disruptions to your application.