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Send digital credentials

By sending digital credentials (access links or QR codes), you can allow one-time users, visitors, and temporary staff to unlock doors in your place without having to sign up for a Kisi account or download the mobile apps. Depending on your needs, you can either:

  1. Send digital credentials via automated emails
  2. Send digital credentials via customized emails
  3. Fetch doors to create custom landing pages

Users with a digital credential can unlock doors associated with the link without having to sign in. Also, Geofence restrictions and Kisi Reader restrictions do not apply to digital credentials, allowing remote door opening from any location. To ensure secure usage, please follow our recommended access link best practices.

Send digital credentials via automated emails

In this use case, once you run the request, Kisi will send an automatic email to the defined email address, containing the digital credential. Once clicking on the link, the user will land on a Kisi-branded page with one or more doors they are provided access to.

  1. Send a POST request to the Create group link endpoint, following the example below.


curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: KISI-LOGIN <API_KEY> ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"group_link": {
"name": "string",
"group_id": 0,
"email": "",
"valid_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"valid_until": "2019-08-25T14:15:22Z"
  • name - the name of the access link
  • group_id - the ID of the group the access link will be associated to
  • email - the email address the access link will be sent to
  • valid_from - the date and time at which the access link becomes valid
  • valid_until - the date and time at which the access link ceases to be valid

Make sure to provide a meaningful name (e.g. the name of the user to whom the access link is sent to) to simplify access and unlock events auditing.


If your request was successful, you'll receive a 200 OK response with the access link object, the user by whom it has been issued, and the authentication token associated with this access link.

"id": 0,
"email": "",
"group_id": 0,
"name": "string",
"valid_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"valid_until": "2019-08-25T14:15:22Z"
"issued_by": {
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"email": ""
"secret": "0"

A digital credential is always associated to a group. This means, the link provides access to the same doors its associated group provides access to.

Send digital credentials via customized emails

In some cases, you might want to omit the automatic Kisi email and customize it yourself before sending the digital credential.

  1. Send a POST request to the Create group link endpoint, while omitting the email field. Note: if you want to send a QR code instead of an access link, remember to include quick_response_code_type: online into your call.


curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: KISI-LOGIN <API_KEY> ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"group_link": {
"name": "string",
"group_id": 0,
"valid_from": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"valid_until": "2019-08-25T14:15:22Z"
  1. Copy the secret value that is returned upon link creation
  2. Paste the secret value to the end of when composing your email


Fetch doors to create custom landing pages

On top of customizing emails, you might also want to design a custom page that presents the available doors to the user, e.g. add your own logo, colors, or render the door buttons based on your company's design guidelines.

To achieve this, you can fetch a list of all doors that the link provides access to, and use this information to create your own custom doors overview page.

  1. Generate the access link or QR code as shown in the previous step
  2. Copy the secret value that is returned upon link creation
  3. In a new request, change the Authorization header value to KISI-GROUP-LINK
  4. Paste the secret value right after KISI-GROUP-LINK
  5. Send a GET request to the Fetch locks endpoint, as shown below


curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: KISI-GROUP-LINK <secret> ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'


If your request was successful, you'll receive a 200 OK response with a list of doors that the respective link provides access to.